Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well now lets see,

I get to see my boyfriend tomorrow for the first time in 2 months and I am excited and nervous. Nervous I have no clue why...I guess its just been a while that's all. I'm extremely tired right now and I should probably get to bed soon considering that I still need to fold laundry before lights out. This week of camp went really well...I love young teens. Next week I have explorers, 9 of them, so I will be whipped by the weekend. And then it is home sweet home and work at Kings. then off to SAU again for another wonderful school year!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I just got done with Trailblazer camp. It was awesome! My girls were amazing and everything went perfect.

But now I'm lonely.

Without the little girls holding my hands and the like I feel all alone, and that makes me miss my boyfriend and family so much more.

But it will be ok. It another 2 days I will have another set of campers to dote on....and then I will get to see my man :D

So all will be well as usual....

Saturday, July 19, 2008

You are my only sunshine...

Today is has been raining...a LOT! It is quite gloomy out and it doesn't seem to have any intention of clearing up soon. Altogether, it has been a blah day.
Last night was interesting. After a bit of an un-fun situation I got back to the "palace" (our old trailer) and just laid in bed an though for a little while.
Then the strangest thing happened....a song popped into my head. A song that I had never heard before but that I fell in love with. It was one of those moments I used to have in high school so I got up and and started scribbling the lyrics away on paper while humming the tune. And now I am sitting at my computer and trying to enter it into my music is quite exhilarating.
By now you probably think I'm crazy, but music is a passion for me soo this was important.
Anyways, I am going to finish writing my music. Then it is dinner and off to watch Batman begins at my boss's house before I go see the Dark Knight tomorrow.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another day at SBC

So it is another lovely day here at is family camp week though and things are a little slow. Today I had to work as an aquatic observer for 2 hours straight. Basically I had to make sure no little kids drowned in the water. But the problem is I didn't drink any water...or put on sunscreen. So now I pretty much feel dead and my burn is totally nasty. At least it will turn into a tan in a few days though, or at least I can hope.

Till then,